Eugenio Rodríguez Balboa
– Postdoctorado Max-Planck Institute, Alemania
– Doctor en Ciencias Cognitivas, Universidad de Paris.
– Psicólogo y Licenciado en Psicología, P. Universidad Católica de Chile.
- 2007 -presente Docente de la Escuela de Psicología Universidad Católica,Topicos en Neurosciencia (PSD-405), Psicobiologia (PSL-405), Estudio experimental de la Conciencia (OPR sigla aun no determinada)
- 2004 –2006 Seminarios de formación para alumnos de doctorado, Instituto Max-Planck for Brain Research en Frankfurt: Electroencefalografia. Analisis de señales
- 2000- 2002 Profesor auxiliar asociado Universidad Católica de Chile. Investigador-Docente del programa de Doctorado en Psicología, Escuela de Psicología. Cursos: a) Psicofisiología; b) Tópicos Avanzados en Neurosciencias.
- 1993-1994. Seminarios para la cátedra Psicología General. Escuela de Psicología, Universidad Católica de Chile.
- 1989-1992 Ayudantía de las cátedras Psicología Fisiológica, Funciones Cognitivas I y II. Escuela de Psicología, Universidad Católica de Chile.
Participación en Eventos Científicos y Humanistas
Conferencias dictadas y ponencias presentadas a congresos
- Rodriguez E. (2006) «Oscillations and synchrony at several spatial scales. The same functional role?». Conferencia invitada al simposio High Frequency Oscillations: the next step Leipzig Octubre.
- Rodriguez E (2006) Coding of visual information by phase locking patterns in the prefrontal cortex of monkeys. Conferencia dictada durante la reunion anual del Max-Planck Institute. Ringberg , Alemania, Julio.
- Staedtler E, Pipa G, Rodriguez E et al.(2006) Stimulus representation in multiple simultaneously recorded prefrontal units during visual short-term memory. Conferencia dictada durante la reunion anual del Max-Planck Institute. Ringberg , Alemania, Julio.
- Uhlhaas P & Rodriguez E,(2006). Neural Synchrony in Schizophrenia. Conferencia dictada durante la reunion anual del Max-Planck Institute. Ringberg , Alemania, Julio.
- Roux F, Uhlhaas P & Rodriguez E,(2006). Neural Synchrony and Gestalt Perception During Human Development. Conferencia dictada durante la reunion anual del Max-Planck Institute. Ringberg , Alemania, Julio.
- Melloni L Rodriguez E ( 2006) Phase synchrony, not gamma oscillations, correlate with conscious visual perception. Conferencia dictada durante la reunion anual del Max-Planck Institute. Ringberg , Alemania, Julio.
- Melloni L Rodriguez E ( 2005) Phase locking and y gamma oscillations in conscious perception. Reunion anual de la Sociedad para el estudio cientifico de la conciencia. Pasadena California Junio
- Rodriguez E (2005) Conciousness and Gamma, Conferencia dictada en la Universidad de California en San Diego. San Diego California. Junio
- Rodriguez E (2005) Multi Scale evaluation of syncronic neural activity, Conferencia dictada en la Universidad de California en San Diego. San Diego California. Junio
- Rodriguez E (2005) Monkey neural dynamics during a short term memory task, Conferencia dictada en la Universidad de California en San Diego. San Diego California. Junio
- Rodriguez E (2005) Use of phase information and multidimensional spaces for predicting the neural dinamics of monkey during memory tasks. Universidad de Freiburg. Freiburg Abril
- Rodriguez E (2005) Long range brain synchrony triggers conscioussness and a cascade of neural processes. Instituto Superior de Estudios Avanzados de Trieste (SISSA) Abril.
- Rodriguez E et al. (2005) Coding of visual stimuli by patterns of LFP phase synchrony. Conferencia dictada durante la reunion anual del Max-Planck Institute. Ringberg , Alemania, Marzo.
- Rodriguez E (2005) Conscioussness as a correlate of long range brain synchronization. Instituto Superior de Estudios Avanzados de Trieste (SISSA) Enero.
- Rodriguez E et al. (2004) Patterns of Local-Field Potential synchronization in monkey prefrontal cortex during a visual short-term memory task. Poster presentado al Haussymposium del Max-Planck Institut for Brain Research .Diciembre.
- Melloni L, Rodriguez E (2004) Phase Synchronization but not Gamma Oscillations specifically correlates with conscious Perception. Poster presentado al Haussymposium del Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research .Diciembre.
- Borchard F , Rodriguez E et al.(2004) Task-Dependent Modulation of EEG-Coherence in Human Subjects Performing Visuo-Motor Tracking. Poster presentado al Haussymposium del Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research .Diciembre.
- Staedtler E, Rodriguez E et al. (2004) Stimulus representation in multiple simultaneously recorded prefrontal units during visual short-term memory. Poster presentado al Haussymposium del Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research .Diciembre.
- Uhlhaas P, Rodriguez E et al.(2004) Gestalt Perception and Gamma-Band oscillations in Schizophrenia. Poster presentado al Haussymposium del Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research .Diciembre.
- Staedtler E, Pipa G Rodriguez E et al. (2004) Stimulation representation in multiple simultaneously recorded prefrontal units during visual short-term memory. Poster presentado a la Society for Neuroscience’s 34th Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA.
- Pipa G, Rodriguez E, et al. (2004) Performance-based increase of Gamma-oscillations and Gamma-band phase-locking in macaque prefrontal cortex during the delay of short-term memory task. Poster presentado a la Society for Neuroscience’s 34th Annual Meeting, San Diego, USA.
- Borchard F, Rodriguez E et al. (2004) Task-Dependent Modulation of EEG-Coherence in Human Subjects Performing Visuo-Motor Tracking. Poster presentado al 4° Forum of European Neuroscience. Lisboa, Julio.
- Pipa, Staedtler, Rodriguez et al. (2004) Neuronal Dynamics in monkey prefrontal cortex during visual short-term memory: II. Transient synchrony patterns of higher complexity reflect coding relevant epochs. Poster presentado al 4° Forum of European Neuroscience. Lisboa, Julio.
- Rodriguez E , et al. (2004) Patterns of LFP synchronization in monkey prefrontal cortex during a visual short-term memory task. Poster presentado al 4° Forum of European Neuroscience. Lisboa Julio.
- Staedtler E, Rodriguez E et al. (2004) Neuronal Dynamics in monkey prefrontal cortex during visual short-term memory: I Information in multiple simultaneously recorded units. Poster presentado al 4° Forum of European Neuroscience. Lisboa Julio.
- Rodriguez E. (2004) Fractal electrodes to explore the fractal dynamics of brain . Conferencia dictada durante la reunion anual del Max-Planck Institute. Ringberg , Alemania, Marzo.
- Rodriguez E et al. (2004) Use of gamma oscillations and phase synchrony to predict the delayed response of monkeys. Conferencia dictada durante la reunion anual del Max-Planck Institute. Ringberg , Alemania, Marzo.
- Rodriguez E Melloni L (2004) Neural Synchrony a correlate of conscious perception ?. Conferencia invitada por INSERM, Paris ,Noviembre
- Rodriguez E. (2004) Displaying orbits of phase synchrony in multidimensional spaces. Trabajo presentado durante el workshop Research on Gamma-Band Oscillations: Bridging the Gaps Delmenhorst,Alemania August
- Rodriguez E et al. (2004) Patterns of LFP synchronization in monkey prefrontal cortex during a visual short-term memory task. Poster presentado al 1° Simposium de Neurosciencias de Natal. Brasil Marzo
- Rodriguez E (2004) Neural Dynamic in monkey prefrontal cortex predicts the outcome of a Short term memory task. Conferencia durante el VolksWagen workshop meeting en Hamburgo . Febrero.
- G. Pipa, E.F. Rodriguez, et al. (2003) Neuronal dynamics in monkey prefrontal cortex during visual short-term memory: temporal patterns of spike synchronization Society for Neuroscience’s 33rd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA.
- E.F. Rodriguez, et al (2003) Neuronal dynamics in monkey prefrontal cortex during visual short-term memory: local field potential and spike synchronization Society for Neuroscience’s 33rd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA.
- J.A. Waltz, E.F. Rodriguez et al (2003) Enhanced spike-field coherence in macaque prefrontal cortex associated with Better performance on delayed-response task . Society for Neuroscience’s 33rd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA
- Rodriguez E et al.(2003) Neuronal dynamics in monkey prefrontal cortex during visual short-term memory: II. Temporal patterns of Spike and LFP synchronization. 2nd Symposium WolkswagenStiftung “Dynamic and Adaptivity of Neuronal Systems Integrative Approaches to Analyzing Cognitive Functions” Magdeburg Septiembre
Miembro permanente de las siguientes sociedades científicas
- The Society for Neuroscience.
- European Society for Neuroscience.
- Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness.
Participación comité editorial en revistas científicas
1. Clinical Neurophysiology (ISI)
2. Public Library of Science (ISI)
3. Biological Research (ISI)
4. Cognition. (ISI)
5. Neurocomputing. (ISI)
6. Neuroimage. (ISI)
7. Royal Soc. London. (ISI)
- Instituto Milenio para la Investigación en Depresión y Personalidad, MIDEPLAN, Iniciativa Científica Milenio, Núcleo Milenio, 10 años (Diciembre 2014 – Diciembre 2024), Año de adjudicación: 2014, (investigador Asociado)
- “Inter-Brain synchronization a benchmark for intersubject colaboration?, FONDECYT Regular, 3 años (marzo 2015-marzo 2018), Año de adjudicación: 2015, (investigador responsable).
- “Exploring consciousness: Neurodynamics of bistable perception”, FONDECYT Regular, 3 años (marzo 2012-marzo 2015), Año de adjudicación: 2012, (investigador responsable).
- “Intervención psicológica y cambio en depresión”, MIDEPLAN, Iniciativa científica Milenio, Núcleo Milenio, 3 años (Octubre 2011-Octubre 2014), Año de adjudicación: 2011, (co-investigador)
- “Dynamical Brain Connectivity in humans: A biophysically inspired modeling approach to cerebral network function during cognitive processing”, CONICYT / Convenio Internacional / Ecos (Francia), 3 años (marzo 2009 – marzo 2012), Año de adjudicación: 2009, (investigador responsable).
- “Large-scale neural synchronization a neural correlate of visual awareness?, FONDECYT Regular, 3 años (marzo 2007-marzo 2010), Año de adjudicación: 2007, (investigador responsable).
Publicaciones indexada ISI:
- Juliá Nehme, B., Rodríguez, E., & Yoon, S. Y. (2020). Spatial User Experience: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Assessing Physical Settings. Journal of Interior Design, 45(3), 7-25.
- Barraza, P., Pérez, A., & Rodríguez, E. (2020). Brain-to-Brain Coupling in the Gamma-Band as a Marker of Shared Intentionality. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, 295.
- Campos-Arteaga G., Forcato C., Wainstein G., Lagos R., Palacios-García I., Artigas C., Morales R., Pedreira M.E., Rodríguez E. (2020). Differential neurophysiological correlates of retrieval of consolidated and reconsolidated memories in humans: an ERP and pupillometry study. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 174, 107279.
- Flores-Torres, J., Gómez-Pérez, L., McRae, K., López, V., Rubio, I., & Rodríguez, E. (2019). Humor improves women’s but impairs men’s Iowa Gambling Task performance. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 2538.
- Villena-González, M., Palacios-García, I., Rodríguez, E., & López, V. (2018). Beta oscillations distinguish between two forms of mental imagery while gamma and theta activity reflects auditory attention. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 12, 389.
- Rodríguez, E., Martínez, C., Díaz, M., Flores, J., Alvarez-Ruf, J., Crempien, C., Valdés, C., Campos, G., Artigas, C., Armijo, I., Krause, M., & Tomicic, A. (2018). Neurodynamics inside therapeutic interaction: a case study with simultaneous EEG recording/La neurodinámica en el contexto de la interacción terapéutica: un estudio de caso con una grabación simultánea de EEG. Estudios de Psicología, 39(1), 179-204.
- Rodríguez, E., Ruiz, J., Valdes, C., Reinel, M., Diaz, M., Flores, J., Crempien, C., Leighton, C., Botto, A., Martínez, C., & Tomicic, A. (2017). Dependent and self-critical personality styles: Cognitive performance and depressive symptomatology. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 49(2), 102-109.
- Tomicic, A., Pérez, J. C., Martínez, C., & Rodríguez, E. (2017). Vocalization–silence dynamic patterns: A system for measuring coordination in psychotherapeutic dyadic conversations. Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología, 49(1), 48-60.
- Villena-González, M., López, V., & Rodríguez, E. (2016). Orienting attention to visual or verbal/auditory imagery differentially impairs the processing of visual stimuli. Neuroimage, 132, 71-78.
- Barraza, P., Jaume-Guazzini, F., & Rodríguez, E. (2016). Pre-stimulus EEG oscillations correlate with perceptual alternation of speech forms. Neuroscience letters, 622, 24-29.
- Barraza, P., Chavez, M., & Rodríguez, E. (2016). Ways of making-sense: Local gamma synchronization reveals differences between semantic processing induced by music and language. Brain and language, 152, 44-49.
- Castelhano, J., Bernardino, I., Rebola, J., Rodriguez, E., & Castelo-Branco, M. (2015). Oscillations or synchrony? Disruption of neural synchrony despite enhanced gamma oscillations in a model of disrupted perceptual coherence. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 27(12), 2416-2426.
- Canales-Johnson, A., Silva, C., Huepe, A., Rivera-Rei, A., Noreika, V., Del Carmen García, M., Rodríguez, A., & Bekinschtein, T.A. (2015). Auditory feedback differentially modulates behavioral and neural markers of objective and subjective performance when tapping to your heartbeat. Cerebral Cortex, 25(11), 4490-4503.
- Castelhano, J., Duarte, I. C., Wibral, M., Rodriguez, E., & Castelo-Branco, M. (2014). The Dual Facet of Gamma Oscillations: Separate Visual and Decision Making Circuits as Revealed by Simultaneous EEG/fMRI. Human Brain Mapping, 35(10), 5219-5235. ISSN: 1065-9471 ISI: 6.924
- Canales-Johnson, A., Silva, C., Huepe, D., Rivera-Rei, A., Noreika, V., Ibanez, A., . . . Bekinschtein, T. (2013). Learning from your heart: auditory feedback modulates interoceptive awareness performance and metacognition. Psychophysiology, 50, S116-S116. ISSN: 0048-5772 ISI: 3.180
- Castelhano, J., Rebola, J., Leitao, B., Rodriguez, E., & Castelo-Branco, M. (2013). To Perceive or Not Perceive: The Role of Gamma-band Activity in Signaling Object Percepts. PLoS ONE, 8(6). ISSN: 1932-6203 ISI: 3.534
- Melloni, L., Schwiedrzik, C. M., Mueller, N., Rodriguez, E., & Singer, W. (2011). Expectations Change the Signatures and Timing of Electrophysiological Correlates of Perceptual Awareness. Journal of Neuroscience, 31(4), 1386-1396. ISSN: 0270-6474 ISI: 6.747
- Uhlhaas, P. J., Roux, F., Rodriguez, E., Rotarska-Jagiela, A., & Singer, W. (2010). Neural synchrony and the development of cortical networks. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 14(2), 72-80. ISSN: 1364-6613 ISI: 21.147
- Luo, L., Rodriguez, E., Jerbi, K., Lachaux, J.-P., Martinerie, J., Corbetta, M., . . . Craig, A. D. (2010). Ten years of Nature Reviews Neuroscience: insights from the highly cited. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 11(10), 718-726. ISSN: 1471-003X ISI: 31.376
- Haenschel, C., Bittner, R. A., Waltz, J., Haertling, F., Wibral, M., Singer, W., . . . Rodriguez, E. (2009). Cortical Oscillatory Activity Is Critical for Working Memory as Revealed by Deficits in Early-Onset Schizophrenia. Journal of Neuroscience, 29(30), 9481-9489. ISSN: 0270-6474 ISI: 6.747
- Melloni, L., Schwiedrzik, C. M., Rodriguez, E., & Singer, W. (2009). (Micro)Saccades, corollary activity and cortical oscillations. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 13(6), 239-245. ISSN: 1364-6613 ISI: 21.147
- Melloni, L., Schwiedrzik, C. M., Wibral, M., Rodriguez, E., & Singer, W. (2009). Response to: Yuval-Greenberg et al., «Transient Induced Gamma-Band Response in EEG as a Manifestation of Miniature Saccades.» Neuron 58, 429-441. Neuron, 62(1), 8-10. ISSN: 0896-6273 ISI: 15.982
- Uhlhaas, P. J., Roux, F., Singer, W., Haenschel, C., Sireteanu, R., & Rodriguez, E. (2009). The development of neural synchrony reflects late maturation and restructuring of functional networks in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 106(24), 9866-9871. ISSN: 0027-8424 ISI: 9.809
- Guic, E., Carrasco, X., Rodriguez, E., Robles, I., & Merzenich, M. M. (2008). Non-homogeneous spatial configuration of vibrissae cortical representation in layer IV of the barrel somatosensory cortex. Biological Research, 41(4), 461-471. ISSN: 0716-9760 ISI: 1.041
- Guic, E., Carrasco, X., Rodriguez, E., Robles, I., & Merzenich, M. M. (2008). Plasticity in primary somatosensory cortex resulting from environmentally enriched stimulation and sensory discrimination training. Biological Research, 41(4), 425-437. ISSN: 0716-9760 ISI: 1.041
- Maldonado, P., Babul, C., Singer, W., Rodriguez, E., Berger, D., & Gruen, S. (2008). Synchronization of neuronal responses in primary visual cortex of monkeys viewing natural images. Journal of Neurophysiology, 100(3), 1523-1532. ISSN: 0022-3077 ISI: 3.041
- Melloni, L., Molina, C., Pena, M., Torres, D., Singer, W., & Rodriguez, E. (2007). Synchronization of neural activity across cortical areas correlates with conscious perception. Journal of Neuroscience, 27(11), 2858-2865. ISSN: 0270-6474 ISI: 6.747
- Rodriguez, E., & Cortes, J. (2007). Right but basically wrong: Comments on Canales et al., A critical assessment of the hypothesis consciousness by synchrony. Biological Research, 40(4), 521-522. ISSN: 0716-9760 ISI: 1.041
- Uhlhaas, P. J., Linden, D. E. J., Singer, W., Haenschel, C., Lindner, M., Maurer, K., & Rodriguez, E. (2006). Dysfunctional long-range coordination of neural activity during Gestalt perception in schizophrenia. Journal of Neuroscience, 26(31), 8168-8175. ISSN: 0270-6474 ISI: 6.747
- Villena-González, M., López, V., & Rodríguez, E. (2016). Data of ERPs and spectral alpha power when attention is engaged on visual or verbal/auditory imagery. Data in brief, 7, 882-888. [SCOPUS]
- Pipa, G., Städtler, E. S., Rodriguez, E. F., Waltz, J. A., Muckli, L. F., Singer, W., . . . Munk, M. H. J. (2009). Performance- and stimulus-dependent oscillations in monkey prefrontal cortex during short-term memory. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 3(25), 1-13. [SCOPUS]
No indexada:
- Rodríguez E. (2006) Ideas para naturalizar el estudio de la conciencia. In: E. Kronnmüller y C. Cornejo (Eds.). Ciencias de la Mente. Aproximaciones desde Latinoamérica. (p. 303-324) Santiago: JCSaez Editor
Patentes: Ninguna